
Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural

07 Jan 2022

Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) development is about developing the whole person. As our pupils move through the school, we are committed at North Stainley CE Primary School, to developing not only their academic standards and levels of achievement, but also their spiritual, moral, social and cultural awareness.

We aim to provide opportunities for our children to form their own identity; sense of place and purpose, giving them the confidence to question and discover who they are in the world and face the exciting challenges that lie ahead. Being a church school adds another dimension to our SMSC provision as our Christian ethos permeates all aspects of school life and underpins our values and mission.
Love is the rich soil in which all our Christian values take root.   
Friendship      Respect     Resilience    Empathy    Independence    Aspiration  

Living out these values will enable us all to grow, blossom and flourish and become caring, confident, successful and responsible citizens of our amazing world.

We highly value learning outside the classroom. As part of their learning the children are involved in a wide variety of trips, activities and have many visitors into school throughout the year.

Below is a list of our Visits Planned for 2023-2024.

Forest School Sessions
All classes
Each Class will have a forest school session every 3 weeks.

Class 2 - Every Monday afternoon during the Autumn Term
Pantomine - Dick Wittington
All the School - December 2023

East Barnby 
Class 3 Spring 2024
Carlton Lodge
Class 2 Spring 2024

Below is a list of our Visits Planned for 2022-2023.

Forest School Sessions

All classes
Each Class will have a forest school session every 3 weeks.
Quidditch Sports Day

Whole School - 23rd September 2022
Class 2 - Every Monday afternoon during the Autumn Term
All the School - December 2022
France June 2023
Class 3 - Residential for 4 nights to France 

Below is a list of our Visits for 2021-2022.

Forest School Sessions
All classes
Each Class will have a forest school session every 3 weeks.
Humphrey Head Residential
Class 3, years 5&6
11th - 15th October 2021
Murton Park - Roman Day
Class 2, years 3&4
25th November 2021
School Pantomime - Cinderella at Harrogate Theatre
Whole School
North Yorkshire Rotters
Sustainanility workshop - Whole School
Years 5 & 6
Balance Bike workshop
Class 1
29th April 2022
Cricket Afternoon - Tom Bates
Whole School
Tennis sessions
Weekly for the last half of the summer term.
Classes 2 & 3
Years 3&4 - Swim for a term a year to reach their 25m goal
Fire Safety Talk
Whole School 20th May 2022
Easter Party including a parent lunch.
Mini Medics
First Aid for the Whole School
6th May 2022
Whole School - planetarium visit
22nd May 2022
Lightwater Valley Theme Park Trip
Competition winnes prize for the whole school to visit the park.
10th June 2022
Catherdral Visit 
The whole school have a visit day planned at Ripon Cathedral. 
KS1 are doing a Tudors workshop
KS2 are taking part in the Pilgrims workshop and then attending the cathedral organ concert.
Whole Shool
1st July 2022
Dallow Gill Moor Visit
Class 2&3 - Moorland workshop day
4th July 2022
Cathedral Year 6 Leavers Service
6th July 2022
Charity Events
Comic Relief - Red Nose Day
Children in Need
Ukraine appeal 2022


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