

07 Jan 2022

If you require paper copies, please contact the office at admin@northstainley.n-yorks.sch.uk

Child Protection Policies

North Stainley School Child Protetion Policy 23 - 24  

Children Missing Education Protocol - 2023 

Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023 - Statutory Guidance for Schools and Colleges  

Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023 - Part One

Keeping Children Safe in Education - 22-23 Updates
Missing Child Policy - 2023  

LDLT Policies

Acceptable use and Online Safety Policy - 2024  

Complaints Procedure Policy - 2024

Finance Policy - 2024 

Risk Management Policy

Staff Expenses Policy - 2024

Staff Handbook - 2024

Whistleblowing Policy - 2024

Other LDLT Policies


A Positive Behaviour Management and Emotional Health Policy - Amended April 2020 

Accessibility Plan - 2021     

Admissions Policy - 2023  

Allergens Policy - 2022  

Anti Bullying Policy - 2022    

Attendance Management Policy Schools - 2020

Attendance Policy 2021  

Behaviour and Discipline Policy - 2023   

Behaviour and Discipline Whilst Learning Remotely Addendum - 2023  

Budget Management Policy - 2023  

Charging and remission Policy - 2021   

Collective Worship policy - 2021

E-safety - 2023   
Early Years Policy - 2021  

Educational Visits Policy - 2021

Extended School Policy with signing box - 2023  

Fire Safety Policy - 2023

First Aid and Medicines Procedure - 2023 

Food Policy - 2021

Green Procurement Policy - 2021  

Guidance for Safer Working Practices - 2021  

Handwriting Policy - 2021  

Health and Safety Policy 2023  

Home School Agreement - 2023

Homework policy - 2023 

Intimate Care Policy - 2023  

ICT Acceptable Use Policy - Parents and Children - 2023  

Laptop and Tablet Policy - 2023  

Late Collection of Children from School Policy -2021    

Literacy Policy Writing Reading - 2023  

Marking and Feedback Policy - 2020

Medical Policy - 2022  

Parent Code of Conduct - 2023

Photographic Images and School Events Policy - 2022 
Publication Scheme - 2022   

Pupil Premium - 2021   

Religious Education Policy - 2023  

Safe Use of Restrictive Physical Intervention - 2020

Sex & Relationship Education Policy - 2021   

SEND Policy - 2023  

Single Equality Scheme - September 2020

SRE Policy - 2022 

Swimming Policy - 2023  

Use of Sunscreen Policy - 2022   

Walking home from School Policy - 2022  

Wellbeing Policy - 2023  


CCTV Privacy Notice - 2021   

Employment Privacy Notice - Supply and Agency Staff - 2021  

Employment Privacy Notice - Voluntary Controlled and Community Schools Only - 2021  

General Privacy Notice - 2022 

ICT Website Privacy - 2020  

Information Policy Governance Framework - 2022  

Information Policy - 2022    

Information Security Policy - 2022

Security Policy - 2021 

Surveillance Policy - 2021  

Unified Threat Management Datasheet - Smoothwall  

Volunteers and Governors Privacy Notice - 2022

Wonde (DfE) Privacy Statement 



Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIA's) the school have produced for the relevant systems which are in place and are being used by the school.  

Coolmilk - 2021 

MS Teams - 2021

ParentPay - 2021

Scholarpack - 2022  

Tapestry - 2022  

Wonder (DfE) DPIA 

Link to Tapestrys Privacy Policy: https://tapestry.info/privacy-policy.html

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