

09 Nov 2021

Intent Statement for RE
The subject leader for Religious Education (RE) is Mrs Louise Wallen.

They can be contacted by emailing using the subject title FAO of Mrs Lousie Wallen.

With oversight and support from our Senior Leadership team subject leaders oversee and monitor the intent, implementation and impact of their subject.


We believe that all children should have the opportunity to learn about a variety of faiths and religious customs in order to broaden their understanding of society and develop their own sense of identity.  
In line with the North Yorkshire requirements for RE, our primary focus is teaching Christianity. We ensure that children not only learn about the life and teachings of Jesus in the New Testament, but also have a good understanding of the ‘bigger picture’ of Christianity which encompasses the Old Testament plus the birth of the early church in Acts (NT). 
Throughout their primary school career, children will also learn about other religions such as Islam, Judaism and Hinduism. To ensure that the complexity of religion and belief in our society today is reflected through our RE curriculum, it is important that children also learn about non-theistic beliefs such as humanism and have the opportunity to question and explore their own spirituality in a safe environment. 

RE Rationale 
Religious Education should engage, inspire and challenge pupils, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to explore difficult philosophical questions, develop an understanding of different religious beliefs and also encourage them to reflect on their own ideas and way of living. RE helps children to combat prejudice, appreciate diversity and promotes the integral values of tolerance and respect. In this way, the RE curriculum contributes towards establishing British values and aids children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. RE has an important role in preparing pupils for adult life, employment and lifelong learning.  

Our RE curriculum enables pupils to develop a rich knowledge and deep understanding of the Christian faith. In accordance with the North Yorkshire RE Syllabus, they will also be developing their knowledge of Islam, Judaism, Hinduism and other worldviews such as Humanism. Through high quality RE teaching, children will develop a wide range of skills including enquiry, interpretation, evaluation and reflection. Pupils are encouraged to participate in philosophical discussions and explore their own ideas and beliefs in a classroom environment where they feel heard, respected and understood. 

Religious Education Policy - 2021  


In accordance with the Church of England Education Office’s Statement of Entitlement (2019), the focus of our RE curriculum throughout the school year will be at least 50% Christianity; in practice this means that children will be taught 4 units on Christianity per year and 2 units that include other religions. Our Long-Term Plan has been carefully devised by the subject leader to ensure the curriculum content meets these requirements. 
Children should have the opportunity to visit places of worship (eg. mosque) and learn from visitors of different faiths. 

Religious Education - Long Term Plan -2022  


Assessment in Religious Education  
Tracking children’s progress throughout their school life is vital in order to establish their acquisition of knowledge and skills. Class teachers decide upon the most appropriate age-related way of obtaining the children’s prior knowledge from which new learning will be established. Misconceptions that arise throughout the unit are identified and addressed appropriately by the teacher. North Stainley CE Primary School have introduced a simple assessment system that allows us to monitor and evaluate the impact of teaching and learning on the outcomes for children. We assess children against the planned outcomes considering if they are growing, blossoming or flourishing in RE.  

Growing in Religious Education 

Gaining a substantive knowledge in RE such as, knowing the ten commandments or the five pillars of Islam, is crucial in that it allows children to apply their reasoning and evaluative skills with meaning and purpose. For example, children would only be able to consider and evaluate how a Christian or Muslim might respond to seeing litter if they have secure knowledge that the world has a creator which belongs to them and those following that faith have a duty of stewardship towards the earth. 

Blossoming in Religious Education 
Enquiry in RE is where children are encouraged to ponder philosophical questions and express their views, with the assurance that sometimes there is no answer and that believing without fully understanding is in fact the essence of faith. 

Flourishing in Religious Education 
Creativity in RE encourages children to reflect upon their own ideas and beliefs and explore how different religions link or contrast with their own ways of living. 

Requirements in Religious Education in our Church School

The measure of impact is presently being developed by subject leaders.

As church schools we recognise the importance of teaching RE as an academic subject. We recognise our responsibility to teach it to a high standard taking into account our statutory duties as outlined in the statement of entitlement. 

Religious Education in Church of England Schools A Statement of Entitlement 

As a North Yorkshire Voluntary Controlled Church School, we use the North Yorkshire Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education. We actively engage in NYCC Re networks to support the continual improvement of RE teaching and learning. 

The school adheres to the North Yorkshire Syllabus using this as a basis for coverage, progression, planning teaching and learning and assessment. 

Reception: 36 hours of RE (50 mins per week) 
Key Stage One: 36 hours per year (one hour per week) 
Key Stage Two: 45 hours per year (an hour and a quarter per week)


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