Lightwater Valley Challenge 10K
17 Nov 2021
Save the date........

Lightwater Valley 10K Challenge is back!
12th MARCH 2022
We are excited to announce the Lightwater Valley 10K challenge is returning next year. This event is a huge fundraiser for our school but it also entails a lot of work, so we asking all parents to help please.
We will be drawing up job sheets for people to allocate their help to an area they choose. Please pick quickly if you have a preference as to which area you would like to help with.
For example if you prefer to help behind the scenes or can only help at a certain times then it would be suggested to choose early.
This really does benefit all the children in the school. We have missed out on so much time to fundraise we really need to make this the biggest event it has ever been.
So please, help out as much as you can wherever you can, thank you.