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Some of our hard work!
23 Apr 2020
Class 2 have been working very hard this week. Have a look at some of our creations.

William found out about Franz Marc and did this fabulous picture.
Toby has designed an interesting creature.
William has found out about what his great granddad did in World War 2
Millie has made a dog bed for her toy dog.
Charlie has made this fabulous leaflet about sharks.
Luke has written instructions on how to look after his dog.
Jack has created a piece of art that was inspired by Franz Marc.
-komodo dragon pp.pptx-
Robert has made a powerpoint. Click on the link to see.
Charlie has been inspired by Franz Marc.
Working on her piece of art inspired by Franz Marc.
Making a bed for her toy dog.
William Gains has been finding out about pandas.